Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Blog Conclusion

So, obviously, I've had to cram a few extra blog posts in these past few days to get to 20 posts. I did an ok job writing somewhat regularly, if not prolifically enough.

I'd say the major theme of my blog has been trying to figure out what a blog really is - and more broadly what writing is. About 6 of my posts have to do with literature - understanding what a book is, what makes good writing, and what new media is doing that changes the way we communicate with each other through the written word. Another prevalent theme has been understanding our campus culture and social issues such as feminism.

I think I am closer to understanding the function of a blog, but I'm not entirely converted to the idea yet. I know that for myself, I don't want my blog to function as a journal. I have a journal for that. I do like using it as a way to more thoroughly develop ideas about larger issues. Knowing that it will be published on the internet gives me more of a drive to create a logical argument than writing in my journal does. The posts that I have most enjoyed writing are the ones that have helped me to understand why things bother me - be they poorly written books, BYU politics, or mommy blogs. I don't always argue things in my journal (although I did rant for a few pages about that Daily Universe article about romance novels). I know that writing helps us all to think through our arguments more thoroughly, so having a structured forum for that has actually helpful.


  1. Congrats on finishing. Sometimes cramming is necessary haha ;)

  2. Good blog! I really enjoyed reading your posts!
