Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Books Books Books

Bookbinding is tons of fun. I've taken my fair share of what some may call "unnecessary" classes during my time at university. This may be one of them, but it is really nice to have an artistic outlet amongst the drudgery of other classes. Plus, I still think it is a valuable life skill. The picture above is of the three books I have made so far. The one on top is my favorite:

We had to make a closure for the book, and I used a metal clasp from one of my old purses and a leather strap. It worked out well. I'm glad that I had time in my schedule for this class.


  1. that is a class? That is so cool!

  2. Getting an education should be fun along with hard work. It seems to me that you have found that balance! That does sound like an interesting class, I had no idea that there was something like that offered here.
    I like your book!

  3. It is a great class! It is listed under visual arts/studio (VASTU)in case you are interested in taking it :)

  4. Wait, so it's like a class where you learn how to make a book? Sounds cool!...

  5. haha, yep! You learn how to make books. It is pretty great!
