Thursday, October 20, 2011

No title because I don't know what to blog about.

I could write about how I just received a research grant and I am STOKED about it.

I could write about how said grant has gotten me scheming again about how I am going to travel to Europe in the spring.

I could write about Occupy Wall Street and how I don't know how I feel about it, other than that I still feel like a flaming liberal in Utah.

I could write about the presidential candidate debates but I haven't really been watching them, which is shameful.

Mostly, I feel like I am in some kind of last-year-never-ending-paper-writing-vortex (of doom). In the past 7 days I have handed in 46 pages of writing. And I still have at least 50 to go by the end of the semester. I'm telling myself that next semester will be easier, but I don't know that that is really true. I'm managing. I'm not even sleep deprived and I have made it (almost) to the end of the week. I think if I can just make it to Thanksgiving, it'll all be alright. Today was actually very nice. I am grateful that it went so well. I got two major reports back and I got an A on one and an A- on the other, which is better than I was expecting. Its probably wrong but I mostly feel like, as long as I don't have to do it again, I dont care. Ds get degrees (or so I'm told). But I do care, really, as manifest by how happy A's made me today. Either way, I keep trying to enjoy college, since I have really loved the last four years, but I also comfort myself at times like this by thinking, someday, I'll get a degree, and it will be over! Hallelujah!

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